Welcome to HR Partners' COVID page. To receive our company newsletter, the HR Advisor, please click here.
Wow! I have received a lot of phone calls and emails that many of our respective organizations were victims of this. And, what I learned through this process was another way to contact the Kansas Department of Labor concerning your fraud issues. It is listed below:
How do I report my suspicions of UI fraud?
You can report fraudulent activity by:
UI Fraud Investigations Unit
Kansas Department of Labor
401 SW Topeka Boulevard
Topeka, KS 66603-3182
Many clients have reached out to express concerns with unemployment insurance fraud. We have witnessed two types of fraud. First, an unemployment insurance claim against the employer regarding a current employee of the organization, who never filed a claim. Second, an unemployment insurance claim against the employer by a person who never worked for the employer.
If this happens to your business, you should file a fraudulent claim with the Kansas Department of Labor as soon as possible. The link below is for your convenience.
If you are in another state, there is a similar claim form you can fill out as well. Just visit their respective state department of labor web site.
Stay safe, and as always, call HR Partners if you have any questions or concerns. (785) 233-7860.
New Health administers COVID testing for employers. Interested?
Click here for FAQ's that will assist you, and if you have additional questions, please contact Angela or Dr. Hall (their contact information is below). They are here to assist you in this COVID world.
Stay safe! And, have a great day!
This question came to me recently (this week) and I was wrong (it can happen). Below is the correct answer from the Department of Labor:
If I am an employer, may I use the paid sick leave mandated under the EPSLA to satisfy paid leave entitlements that an employee may have under my paid leave policy?
If you have over 50 employees, and are currently complying with the FMLA, this blog is for you. The Department of Labor has provided guidance below on how FMLA and FFCRA work together, and not separately.
Do I qualify for leave for a COVID-19 related reason even if I have already used some or all of my leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?
You have a COVID hit with one of your employees. It has been confirmed with a POSITIVE test result. What do you do next? You inform your respective staff who have been exposed. Click here for a memo template that can be used.
Questions? Concerns? Please call HR Partners at 785-233-7860.
The newest guidelines can be found here.
Since the “stay at home” order has been lifted, and the Memorial weekend has passed, many calls have come into HR Partners from employers discussing possible COVID-19 “exposure” scenarios with their respective employees. So far, most of the “exposures” have come back with negative test results; two were positive.
So, what should an employer do when an employee reaches out to them about a possible exposure to the COVID-19 virus? Below is a link to CDC guidelines which can assist you, but if you are still concerned about how to proceed with this new development, please call us at 233-7860. We have answers.
HR Partners' own Kristina Dietrick was on the KSNT Town Hall broadcast last night. Please see a clip from the LIVE show, below:
Topeka Family Therapist & Human Resources Expert on Job Stress During Pandemic – KSNT Town Hall
Navigating COVID-19 in the Workplace
Opening Up America Again - Guidelines
Ad Astra - A Plan to Reopen Kansas
Reopening After COVID-19 - A Small Business Guide
What You Should Know About the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and COVID-19
Request for Emergency Paid Sick Leave and/or Expanded FMLA Form
Temporary Telecommuting Policy & Agreement
Health and Travel Declaration Form
On December 20, 2020, Congress reached an agreement on a second stimulus package that will provide immediate aid to both individuals and businesses. This bill now must be signed by the President in order to become law. The bill will impact both the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) and loans established under the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”).
FFCRA. Under the bill, the FFCRA is still set to expire on December 31, 2020. However, employers may voluntarily elect to continue to provide FFCRA leave (both paid sick and paid family leave) and receive tax credits until March 31, 2021. The leave under the FFCRA does not renew. This means that any employee who has exhausted their paid leave under the FFCRA will no longer be eligible for FFCRA leave.
PPP. The second stimulus package also impacts the PPP by allocating 284 billion dollars for a second round of PPP loans, as well as clarifying PPP forgivable expenses and tax deductions for PPP expenses for both the original and second round of PPP loans. Most notably, the second stimulus package will provide the following:
Michelle Meier
Kansas Medical Clinic
"Kristina has built an exceptional company with some of the most proactive professionals I've seen in a long time.
We hired her with a human resources 911 issue and were in much better shape within two weeks! She is also great as a speaker and motivator for your staff."