Due to the rise of COVID-19 cases, both the CDC and the KDHE have implemented new quarantine guidance.
You will notice that quarantine has reverted back to 14 days, rather than 10 days, with 72 hours symptom free. The 10 days, 72 hours symptom free standard now only applies to lab confirmed cases and those who develop symptoms during quarantine.
Additionally, the KDHE has clarified that if an individual develops symptoms while in quarantine, and tests negative, the individual is still required to finish quarantine. A negative test result will not allow the individual to end quarantine early.
Joe Koechner
Kex Rx Pharmacy & Home Care
"I’ve been working with HR Partners for seven (7) years and they’ve been a trusted resource for all of our HR needs. From creating our Employee Handbook, Job Descriptions, assisting with the hiring process and terminations, they have been a much needed and valuable partner as our company has grown from one location with six (6) employees to five (5) locations with over forty (40) employees."