Millennials. The word is fairly controversial. Are Millennials lazy and entitled or are they helping to assist positively towards the innovative rapid ascent of workplace technology? There are a variety of stigmas and stereotypes which represent the Millennial generation. While some may criticize this generation and others may not, one thing is certain: by 2020 Millennials will make up one-half (1/2) of the workforce. Whose job is it to adapt and integrate this generation: the generation itself, or the employer? Is this generation even fully understood?
Simon Sinek gives his unique spin on Millennials in the workplace and discusses the reasons he believes contribute to their mindset make up. Sinek focuses on four (4) different areas contributing to the Millennial mindset:
Sinek comments during the discussion that “this is what we got and we as a company now need to pick up the slack” in reference to adapting Millennials into the workplace culture. Per Sinek, companies who fail to adapt to this new generation will eventually only be hurting themselves.
You can view Simon Sinek’s full discussion here:
How do companies with multiple generations integrate and bridge this Millennial gap in the workplace? Listed below are four (4) ways in which employers can help to adapt to the Millennial generation:
It is also critical to note that Millennials are not the only generation struggling to adapt. Kristina Dietrick, President and Owner of Creative Business Solutions (“CBS”), has recently spoken to several different organizations, including CoreFirst Bank & Trust, KU Endowment and members of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (“NRECA”) regarding generational differences and its impact on the workplace. Michael W. Kahn, a staff writer with NRECA, recently published an article focusing on Kristina’s presentation:
For more tips on how to address generations in the workplace, including training, please call CBS at 785-233-7860. We would be pleased to assist you and your organization with any other HR issues your business or organization may be experiencing.